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Kestävä kehitys

Repairing and donating used equipment to various countries around the Pacific Ocean. The environmentally friendly activities of NSK Oceania Pty. Ltd.

NSK Oceania Pty. Ltd.* accepts trade-ins of used handpieces from customers in both countries. The dental healthcare equipment is repaired, then donated to dental clinics in Fiji, the Solomon Islands and other countries around the Pacific Ocean.

This initiative, named the 'Going Green' campaign was started in 2019 and continues to this day. Over 1,500 handpieces of NSK and other brands have been repaired and donated as of the end of 2023. Furthermore, over 330 handpieces have already been repaired and donated since the start of 2024. These activities are contributing to the reduction of waste and narrowing of regional healthcare disparities.

*Refers to NSK Oceania Pty Ltd. (Australia) and NSK Oceania Ltd. (New Zealand).

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Refer to the corporate site for more details on the sustainability activities of NSK.